JackedPack does not imply any medical claims from contributor reviews. Results may vary.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
From Jim Stoppani:
Welcome to my latest creation: JYM Supplement Science. JYM combines real science with real ingredients to deliver unreal results. Pre JYM, my cutting-edge pre-workout product, is poised to revolutionize the pre-workout category.
Supplement companies love to claim they’ve created a real “game-changer.” Pre JYM doesn’t play that game. It doesn’t need hype or flashy marketing. With 13 hand-picked ingredients included at full doses, Pre JYM is in a league of its own.
Put simply, Pre JYM is the most effective pre-workout supplement ever developed. It’s built on solid science, years of study, and decades of professional experience. Nothing is hidden and there is no filler. Pre JYM is research made real. It’s pure pre-workout fuel.
The Power of Pre JYM
1) No Proprietary Blends
Look at the supplement facts panel on your favorite pre-workout product, and you’ll most likely see the term “proprietary blend.” Supplement companies want you to think this means they’ve created a special blend of ingredients that magically work together to deliver unique results. Because this blend is so amazing, they have to keep the doses of each ingredient secret so no other company steals the formula.
The truth, however, is that propriety blends serve a different purpose. They allow supplement companies to hide how little of each ingredient they’ve actually put in a product. This results in cheap, under-dosed, ineffective supplements.
Pre JYM doesn’t use proprietary blends. Take a look at its supplement facts panel, and you’ll see the actual doses of all 13 ingredients. I have nothing to hide. I’m proud of the amount of each and every ingredient I’ve included. Together, those 13 ingredients in those exact doses are the closest thing to a magical formula that you’re going to find.
2) Proper Doses
For the reasons detailed above, many supplement companies are moving toward transparency and axing proprietary blends. That’s a good thing. However, these companies are still guilty of grossly under-dosing ingredients.
Take citrulline malate, for example. The research on this potent amino acid shows that you need six grams per dose. While most pre-workout products leave out citrulline entirely, none of them provide anywhere close to six grams. Until now.
3) No “Abbreviated” Formulas
A handful of companies are as fed up as I am with proprietary blends and under-dosed formulas, but they fall short by using “abbreviated” formulas. An abbreviated formula is one that uses proper dosing of all ingredients but only includes a few ingredients.
Take, for example, a pre-workout formula that includes beta-alanine, creatine, caffeine and tyrosine. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it could be a lot more effective through the addition of ingredients like citrulline malate, betaine, and BCAAs, to name just a few. Why would companies not create the most robust formula possible? Because adding more ingredients costs too much money.
Pre JYM includes 13 ingredients that work in concert to prime the body for intense workouts, making it the most complete pre-workout supplement available.
4) No Concentrates
Many companies also try to trick buyers by calling their pre-workout product “concentrated.” A serving of one of these “concentrated” products can contain as few as three to six grams of powder. What kind of magic did they use to cram enough creatine, beta-alanine, citrulline, arginine, caffeine and other ingredients into that tiny dose? They didn’t use any magic, which is why all of those “concentrated” formulas also include proprietary blends. That’s also why the serving size of Pre JYM is more than 26 grams. It contains 13 ingredients at proper, powerful doses.
5) JS, Not BS
I’ve been studying supplement science in the lab and gym for decades. I’ve been delivering supplement advice to millions of people in the pages of Muscle & Fitness, FLEX and Muscle & Fitness Hers, as well as my own website, JimStoppani.com, for over a decade.
Most importantly, I’ve been training since I was 11 years old. Before each of my workouts, I draw on all of my experience and all of my education to concoct my own pre-workout supplement, combining ingredients from 13 different bottles and tubs.
That’s why I developed Pre JYM. I wanted to give my friends, colleagues, all of you, and myself the ability to access, in one bottle, the best ingredients in the exact doses suggested to help build lean muscle, torch body fat, improve strength, and boost speed.
Prepare to experience the power of real science, real ingredients, and unreal results.
Hit the JYM!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

JYM Supplement Science is a revolutionary supplement company founded by me, Dr. Jim Stoppani. What makes JYM so unique and revolutionary is the science and quality that go into each and every single supplement, as well as the fact that I stand behind every single product that I formulate and am there to personally answer any questions that you may have.
Take a look at some of the supplements you have in your kitchen. Do you know who formulated that product? Do you know what their background is? Do they have any real expertise in the area of sports nutrition? Do they have your best interest in mind when they formulated that product? And if you did have a question about the product do you know who is there to answer you?
Many of your favorite supplements are developed by people with very little real expertise in sports nutrition. Few of them actually use the products they develop or actually workout. Plus, you may be disturbed by the many recent reports of supplements being either laced with questionable ingredients or contaminated with harmful ingredients. Why take the risk of using products from companies that you really know little about who is beyond the products?
logoWith JYM, you can rest assured that every product was created by a person with one of the most impressive resumes in the world of sports nutrition and exercise science and a person who has nothing but your best interest in mind. To read more about my background, click on the link below. Every ingredient I use is proven in the laboratory and the gym to be effective and safe. After all, I am making these supplements for myself.
Take another look at a bottle of one of your favorite supplements. Does it mention who the expert is that will answer your questions if you should have any regarding the ingredients in that product, or how to take it most effectively with other products and with your current training program and diet? Chances are you will need to call a 1-800 number to talk to some random customer service person who may or may not even have a high school education and likely knows less about the science behind the product than you do. Or you will be directed to email a customer service rep with the same background. Do you really want to trust that person’s advice? You see, most supplement companies hide behind that bottle you are holding in your hands with no one being accountable for the product or the results you may or may not get from it.
When you buy a JYM product, you know exactly who it is that is going to answer your questions. It’s me, Jim Stoppani, the same guy that has been there to answer your training, nutrition and supplement questions for over a decade. I am not hiding behind my bottles. I am proudly standing front and center and I encourage you to reach out to me on Twitter and Facebook so that I can help you better use my products with your current training and diet plans.
THAT is what JYM Supplement Science is. Isn’t THAT the way that ALL supplement companies should be run? No more hiding. No more lack of accountability. No more BS. JYM Supplement Science is here to provide you supplements that you can trust to be safe and effective.